Thursday, March 12, 2020

Andrew Jackson Hero Outline Essay Example

Andrew Jackson Hero Outline Essay Example Andrew Jackson Hero Outline Paper Andrew Jackson Hero Outline Paper   After reviewing Andrew Jackson’s positive and negative actions, it has come to a conclusion that he was in the position of a hero. In the 1800’s President Andrew Jackson showed he was a hero to the reduce in Federal debts, winning the Battle of New Orleans, and hearing the voices of the people and giving them the chance to vote for their president. Despite all his positive work, he also made many negative decisions, but none mayor and serious. Andrew Jackson made an amazing impact in our world, and without hesitation we can all say that if it wasn’t for his positive work, we would not be in the position we are in today. My first reason on why I believe President Andrew Jackson was a hero is for the fact that he vowed to pay the national debt to prevent the liberty of his country from being destroyed, and kept his word. The reducement of the national debt was lowered in 1835. Andrew Jackson had been able to decrease the national debt to only $33,733. 05, the lowest it has been since the first working year of 1791. This was a major accomplishment, and a very difficult task. Andrew Jackson was the only president in United States history to ever succeed in paying off the federal debt. This is the second reason why I believe Andrew Jackson was hero. Andrew Jackson defeated the British Army from seizing New Orleans and part of the Louisiana territory, acquired by the United States. Winning this battle made Andrew Jackson a hero because many people depended on him to keep their land safe and away from any destruction. If Andrew Jackson had not won this battle many people would have gotten ruled over by British troops. Therefore, I believe President Andrew Jackson was a president. This is the final reason why I believe Andrew Jackson was a hero. I thought he was a hero because he believed that his people should have the right to vote for their own president. This made Andrew Jackson a common man because he heard his nation’s voice. His nation did not like the fact that congress was choosing presidents, without a word from them. Andrew Jackson did many things to get him recognized as a good president towards his people. Many people believed that President Andrew Jackson was a bad person. He made bad choices, yet what these people didn’t understand was the concept of him making good choices out of these negative actions. For example, many people thought Andrew Jackson was a bad person because of the Trail of Tears, yet they know so little about it. If those people would do research they would know that there were about fifty stations, or forts, in Tennessee during the Trail of tears. Although the Trail of Tears led my president Andrew Jackson only destroyed two of the Indian tribes. After reviewing the pros and cons of Andrew Jackson’s presidency many people still believe that he was a bad president and did nothing good for the nation. I, in my point of view, believe that he was a good president, and made a lot of the year he was in The White House. President Andrew Jackson made many people happy, and many people upset. Although, when you think about it, he is the reason why our world is the way it is now. Women have the right to vote. The people choose the president depending on which one satisfies them the most. He fought way too hard for us to have the privileges we have now. He did things other presidents could never commit themselves to doing. â€Å"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing. † –Andrew Jackson.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great Essay

Examine one aspect of modernization that impacted US about the great san francisco earthquake of 1906 - Essay Example Reference is made to the great San Francisco earthquake of 1906 and the relation between this event and modernization. The earthquake in San Francisco in 1906 is considered as ‘one of the worst natural disasters in US history ‘ (MCEER 2012). One particular aspect of the impact of modernization on US in the context of the above event is explored: the destruction of Chinatown in San Francisco as a result of the earthquake and the effects of this event on the life of locals and other Americans. It is proved that the social effects of natural disasters can often be more severe than their environmental effects. In other words, modernization can often affect more profoundly the social life compared to severe natural disasters, the above view, as explored below, cannot lead to the assumption that modernization is the only aspect of social life affected by important natural disasters, as the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. Modernization, as developed through the decades, has been related to objectivism, a term used to reflect the trend of people to understand the meaning of things around them according to their needs (Wang, Yu and McLean 20). The specific trend is of particular importance in order to understand the response of people, especially residents, to the earthquake of 1906 in San Francisco. In the particular event, two were the issues mostly highlighted: the response of people to critical events can be differentiated according to a series of factors; also, natural disasters can often heavily affect social life, at the level that the implications of a natural disaster on a country’s social norms are often difficult to be clearly identified and addressed. Indeed, after the earthquake, Chinese, who are of a different social and cultural background compared to the city’s other residents, have tried to move their community, showing willingness to re-establish their social and

Saturday, February 8, 2020

User Frustration Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

User Frustration - Assignment Example Errors occur when users get the perception that something in the computing system is not working right making the user unable to reach their task goals. The error might be from either the hardware or the software failure, e.g. a crash. Alternatively, the error might result from actions of users, for example, using wrong commands, or using the correct commands but entering them wrongly, such as a mode error. The situation gets worse if the user is new and is, therefore, unable to troubleshoot the errors. Such users may end up performing actions that only increase the intensity of the error. The error messages given might be too complicated for the user to understand, leave alone responding (Lazar, Jones, Hackley, & Shneiderman, 2006). Users, especially experts, would prefer computer applications that respond promptly. This would save them time and prove to be convenient. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes an application such as web browser may take so long to respond. This inhibits the user from completing the task within the desired time. The time delays occur mostly when users are requesting content from the web. In the end when the user finally gets the requested content, he may not find it that interesting. Long time delays make it harder for users to remember their goals, or even the related context in which the request was made. Web pages that take excessively long to respond make the user believe that an error has occurred, making him frustrated (Lazar et al., 2006). The amount of time spent in running a particular application may cause mood disturbances and discomfort when performing the task. Computer systems that take long response time increase user stress. Emotions play a role in the end-user experience with information technology. Applications complexities and poorly-crafted interfaces result in emotions such as failure, confusion and frustration (Lazar et al., 2006). Frustration originating from errors can be reduced by using bug

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Philips Versus Matsushita Essay Example for Free

Philips Versus Matsushita Essay How did Philips become the leading consumer electronics company in the world in the postwar era? A key success of Philips in my opinion came from a decision to build the postwar organization on the strengths of the national organizations (NOs). NOs are greatly increased self-sufficiency and became adept at responding to country-specific market conditions. What distinctive competence did they build? Philips had 14 product divisions (PDs), and NOs built their own technical capabilities and product development. This is an adaption to local market’s needs. What were its incompetencies? Philips had many technological innovations, but its ability to bring products to market was falter. Philips also have had problem in reorganizing the company to deal with its growing problems. 2. How did Matsushita succeed in displacing Philips as No. 1? A key success of Matsushita in my opinion is ability to create new products to meet local market’s needs and very quick. Matsushita also adopted the divisional structure, giving each division clearly defined profit responsibility for its products, and using â€Å"one-product-one division† system. The division was acting liked entrepreneur and financed its product development from Matsushita’s banking system liked. Any division that failed over 2 consecutive years would be fixed. If the division could not be fixed, the division team would be replaced. This management strategy gave more effective and speed to react to local market in the competitive environment. In order to manage many divisions across the world, Matsushita has expatriate Japanese managers and technicians on foreign assignment for four to eight years. A few positions that is always almost reserved for them. Those are general managers whose main role was to translate Matsushita philosophy abroad, expatriate accounting managers who provide a truth of financial health, and Japanese technical managers who transfer product and process technologies and provide headquarters with local market information. This strategy helps headquarter to maintain relationship with all satellite divisions. Matsushita moved none of key production assembly to offshore factory in order to reduce the impact of trade war and utilize lower labor cost and low shipping cost. In short, the ability to market new products of Matsushita and ‘Time-To-Market’ or speed were better than Philips. What were its distinctive competencies and incompetencies? Matsushita’s distinctive competency in my opinion was â€Å"one-product-one division† system that created self competition inside the company itself. In addition, the Japanese expatriate in key positions (i. e. general managers, accounting managers and technical managers) helped headquarter to main to relationship, control, and support to other Matsushita’s divisions around the globe. Matsushita’s incompetency was happened when Nakamura announced a program of â€Å"destruction and creation,† in which he disbanded the product division structures that KM had created as Matsushita’s basic organizational building block. Attempting to reorganize the company core structure too quick seems to bring down Matsushita. 3. What recommendations would you make to Geraid Kleisterlee? To Kunio Nakamura? In my opinion, the recommendations that I would make to Geraid Kleisterlee and Kunio Nakamura will base on balancing the method of AAA’s (Adaptation, Aggregation, and Arbitrage). It seems that the large company likes Philips and Matsushita have had issues how to reorganize the company (aggregation). The key that was driven the change came from a lower profit ability of company base on the investor’s demand. In Kunio’s case, he radical changed the core structure of Matsushita to quick. Quickly change a core strategy of big company came with unstable structure in which many people would not be able to adapt in short term and could create a catastrophic. I would recommend him to make a small and slow changes or deviations as needed in core structure. Kunio shall remain individual product divisions to maintain a focus in innovation of new products, but he shall consolidate or integrate the factories to be capable of building multi-product production. The new integrated product production can switch the assembly lines quickly from producing less profit products to high profit products, and eliminate a high cost to maintain less profit product lines in the old way. In Geraid’s case, I would recommend Philips to focus in innovation of new technologies and utilize new or existing technologies to create a value in the new product, maintain outsource of its basic manufacturing. This strategy is similar to iPhone product where Apply added style/art into a mix of MP3 player and cell phone. Apply only focus on designing the new product and allowed outsource manufacturing in China to build the product.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Parental Involvement in Childs Education :: Parent Involvement in Education, Teaching

Parental involvement promotes the social growth of a child. Children whose parents are involved in their education have many advantages. They have better grades, test scores, long-term academic achievement, attitudes and behavior than those with disinterested mothers and fathers (Gestwicki, 2001). Parents becoming involved in their child's schooling creates extra sources of social constraint to influence the child's behavior (McNeal, 2001). For example, parents talking to their children and becoming involved in the school conveys a message to the child of education being important. Parents should be talking with your children's teacher and letting her know about your family. The more she knows about your child, the better she will be able to connect with your child. Telling your child's hobbies, pets, as well as learning difficulties and strengths will provide for a more intimate school year (Spencer, 2001). One of the ways in which parents play a critical role in their children?s social development is by encouraging their interactions with other youth (Updegraff, 2001). If children are able to work in group settings, this will not only help the child get along with other students, but it will also lessen the amount of disruptions in class thereby making it easier for the teacher to teach (Barbour, 1997). Parents need to stress the importance of little things your child can do to smooth the teacher?s day and help himself learn, such as listening when classmates answer questions, writing his name on assignments, and keeping his desk and work area tidy (Spencer, 2001). Parents can help your children avoid interrupting. Teachers love enthusiasm but yelling out too often will cause unneeded disruptions. Explain the good times to speak, such a s when the teacher is inviting questions and the not so good times, such as when the teacher is talking to another student or giving directions (Spencer, 2001). Practicing these classroom manners will help with less disruptions and a better teaching and learning environment. Parental involvement promotes emotional growth of a child. The attachment between a child and parent is a long-lasting, emotional, learned response. It is the attachment in a parent and child relationship that forms the basis for a child to trust or not to trust their environment (Gestwicki, 2000). This proper attachment is essential for a child to trust other adults, such as their teachers and also to trust other students and make friends.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Long-Lasting Hostility Among Indians Towards British Rule Essay

How far do Sources 10, 11 and 12 suggest that the Amritsar Massacre created widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians towards British rule? Sources 10, 11 and 12 suggest that the Amritsar Massacre, the incident in which British troops under the order of General Dyer fired at a crowd of Indian protesters on the 13th April 1919, did create widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians towards the British. Creating the British government to be portrayed as repressive and irresponsible. However, the alternative view presented by the sources is that Indians were not hostile towards the British, but they were in fact appreciative of their help and did not feel that they were repressive. The view of which the Amritsar Massacre did create widespread and long-lasting hostility amongst Indians towards British rule is presented in Source 11. ‘The Empire have become dishonest and unscrupulous, with no regard to the wishes of the Indian people.’ This article was written by Gandhi in 1920, which is shortly after the Amritsar Massacre, and the reliability of it is not that high as it is published in his own newspaper. Although it is still useful as Gandhi was a highly influential figure and supported by the masses so what he said would be key. Using strong words such as dishonest and unscrupulous, suggests strong feelings of hostility towards British rule. Also Gandhi feels as though the British are almost cheating the Indian people, meaning that the British are doing what they want without consulting the people they are ruling over. This source shows that the hostility felt by Indians was in fact widespread as it is written by Gandhi, a man who represented and was supported by the masses within India. This source does suggest that the Amritsar Massacre did create widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians towards British rule. This theme of hostility towards British is also shown within Source 10, ‘Irresponsible government†¦ rights of human beings are denied to us.’ This extract is from a speech made by Motilal Nehru at the meeting of Congress a few days after the Massacre occurred. The usefulness of this is not as high as source 11 as we cannot be sure if the hostility was long-lasting as it is the same year as the Massacre itself. Although the reliability is still high Nehru was addressing the whole of Congress meaning he could not lie and also as it a few days after the Amritsar Massacre would increase the reliability as it will show the true feelings of Nehru. This extract shows that the Indians once again felt that the British were doing as they pleased without Indian voices being heard, which is also shown in source 11. However, as this source is written by Motilal Nehru, leader of the Indian National Congress, it is difficult to say from this source that hostility was in fact widespread as Nehru only represents the Indian National Congress which has the high caste community as a significant majority. Although this source does not show that the Amritsar Massacre created widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians, however it does suggest that it was leading to this point. However, the alternative view shown within source 12 is that Indians were not hostile towards the British, but they were in fact appreciative of their help and did not feel that they were repressive. ‘Without British protection we would not be completely oppressed by their majority.’ This extract was from a Muslim shoe merchant, Hafiz Hussain, investigating Hindu-Muslim riots during the civil disobedience campaign in 1931. This extract is useful and also reliable as it is from a common Muslim who would have no reason to lie and would give an overview and insight into the situation. As Hafiz Hussain is talking about the pressure the Hindus put the Muslims under to close their shops as a mark of respect for an executed terrorist, he is glad that the British are protecting them as they would have no choice in closing their shops as the majority would oppress them into doing so. This shows that this hostility towards the British was not caused by the Amritsar Massacre but that of the execution of a terrorist. This suggests that the Amritsar Massacre was not the only reason widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians towards British rule was created, it shows that other factors came into play. The view that the Amritsar Massacre created widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians towards the British is shown mainly within source 11, as it is the most useful and reliable source, but also source 10 as well. Although source 12 does suggest that there were other factors leading towards the hostility among Indians towards the British its provenance is not as great as those of sources 10 and 11 combined. As source 10 is the most useful and reliable at showing the widespread and long-lasting hostility among Indians due to the Amritsar Massacre it outweigh the points given by source 12. Suggesting that that the Indian people did have widespread and long-lasting hostility towards British rule because of the Massacre.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The Article Don t Indulge - 945 Words

When are we complete? When are we content? When are we satisfied? When are we completely content that we are satisfied with our happiness? The question never arose until someone mentions it to you. What will make you happiest? I agree with the article â€Å"Don’t Indulge. Be Happy.† by Dunn and Norton who state that what we do with our money plays more of an important role to our happiness than how much money we make. Throughout the article it made me realize things I never really payed any attention to, like the fact that money can’t buy happiness. No matter how much money we make, no matter how rich or poor we are the money we hold in our hand, make at our jobs or keep in our accounts will not give us the happiness we want. Yes money can buy us things we want but at the end of the day we’ll always want more. The things we can’t buy with money can make us most happy like love, family and friends. We’re all rich, you just have to count the th ings money can’t buy. We live in a jungle, maybe not the type of jungle you’re thinking of with trees and grass, but we live in a jungle filled with concrete roads, tall buildings and wild people. Everyone is in search for love, you may be able to buy it but it won’t be real love. Over the years I’ve watched TV shows and just regular people fall in and out of love and not once did I see someone happy with someone with a lot of money, that’s definitely not love, you can’t buy it. Everyones heart belongs to someoneShow MoreRelated7 Ways Of Avoid Holiday Weight Gain1026 Words   |  5 Pages7 Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain By Tim Gritzman | Submitted On June 02, 2010 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest This makes sense: October through January is the murderer s row of the calendar year whenRead MoreHow To Break A Bad Habit946 Words   |  4 PagesUnderstanding your habit B. Focus on your needs C. Discover alternative methods V. BUILDING YOURSELF A NO ZONE A. Pick a person as an anchor B. Build a No zone C. Have less desire to indulge VI. REPLACE THE BAD WITH THE GOOD A. Stop negative thoughts B. Focus on positive alternatives C. Praise yourself VII. 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