Thursday, November 28, 2019
The Importance of the Governments Role in Regulating the Health Care System in Canada
Canadians are inclined to discuss the particular features of their health care system as the cause for being proud of the governmentââ¬â¢s effective policies in controlling the health of citizens.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of the Governmentââ¬â¢s Role in Regulating the Health Care System in Canada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The Canadian health care system is known world widely as Medicare. In spite of the global tendencies to provide the health care based on the privately owned insurance, Canadaââ¬â¢s Medicare depends on the public funding, and its services are accessible for each citizen of the state without references to the status and income. The example of the Canadian health care system accentuates the significant role of the government in financing this social sphere. The government should provide health care because only government can regulate and control such aspects o f the system as the accessibility and mobility of all the services with references to the citizensââ¬â¢ participating in the process. The universal accessibility to free services is guaranteed by the government because the Canadian health care system is publicly-funded and privately-provided. All Canadians have the equal access to the medical services regardless of their status, income, and state of health. The policyââ¬â¢s advantages are in the fact that health care system is based on the responsibility of the provincial governments which develop specific plans for their administrative territories according to the principles worked out by the federal government. Furthermore, the overall accessibility is supported by the federal government which controls the specific categories of the population (Armstrong, Armstrong, and Fegan 75). Mobility is the next significant aspect which is expected to be provided by the government. According to the Canada Health Act, the Canadian gover nment accentuates the availability of free medical services for all the population in spite of the peopleââ¬â¢s moving from one province to another. Only government can provide the possibilities to receive the free medical help during the period of changing jobs, and Canadians have the opportunities to use this chance.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The significance of this aspect is in the fact the population of many countries is rather unprotected in the situation of losing job because employers often guarantee the medical insurance, and the government develops strategies to support the health state of unemployed citizens. (Fierlbeck 28). The Canadian government improves the stateââ¬â¢s health care system regularly and provides the availability of all the medical services as well as accessibility of the medical services in any part of the state. Thus, the publicly-fund ed health care system is beneficial for patients because the government provides citizens with the possibility to use the medical services for free, but with some exceptions. The system based on private insurance cannot provide all the citizens with all the necessary help when the system based on public funds guarantees the provision of any medical services for free (Russell and Cohn 39). The importance of the government in the process is associated with the aspects of the economic relations in the country. To protect the citizens legally, the government should develop the principles of funding the Canadian health care system with references to the citizensââ¬â¢ role in the process. The Canadian government resolves the problem using taxation as the main resource of financing the sphere. Moreover, all the questions connected with financing the system are discussed with the official public representatives who prepare reports for the population (Fierlbeck 65). In spite of the fact t he role of the government in providing the health care is leading, the citizensââ¬â¢ control is realized with the help of official representatives. If people in different countries are asked to imagine the ideal health care system, many would concentrate on the example of Canada. The reasons for this fact are simple. People need to be provided with free access to all the medical services at any place. Moreover, focusing on the example of Canada, the respondents will be right because the Canadian government not only provides the availability of the services but also support the peopleââ¬â¢s healthy lifestyle, and this fact is even more important for citizens.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Importance of the Governmentââ¬â¢s Role in Regulating the Health Care System in Canada specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Works Cited Armstrong, Pat, Hugh Armstrong, and Claudia Fegan. Universal Health Care: What th e United States Can Learn from the Canadian Experience. USA: The New Press, 1999. Print. Fierlbeck, Katherine. Health Care in Canada: A Citizenââ¬â¢s Guide to Policy and Politics. Canada: University of Toronto Press, 2011. Print. Russell, Jesse, and Ronald Cohn. Health Care in Canada. UK: Book on Demand Ltd., 2012. Print. This essay on The Importance of the Governmentââ¬â¢s Role in Regulating the Health Care System in Canada was written and submitted by user Spirit to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Eating Humble Pie
Eating Humble Pie Eating Humble Pie Eating Humble Pie By Maeve Maddox The old expression eating humble pie remains alive and well in cyberspace: From a father who had to cope with his wifes duties when she was ill: I am once again reminded of all the little things my wife manages so well and how I really should make a better effort not to take her for granted. Humble pie is definitely a dish I should eat on a regular basis. From a sports fan: And then we played Florida at Gainesville today and they beat us by the mercy rule with a score I am not going to report. Oh me. Oh my. Talk about eating humble pie. I am trying to digest it, but it does not taste good. From the host of a website dedicated to some esoteric subject: After a lengthy discussion with Peter Kriens and BJ Hargrave, I have to eat some humble pie and admit that I gave incorrect advice about concurrency in my latest OSGi book chapter. The expression eating humble pie conflates two words: humble not proud or haughty; ranking low in the social or political scale. The word humble entered English c1250 by way of an Old French word that derived from L. humilis lowly, humble, lit. on the ground, from humus earth. umbles the edible inner parts of an animal, from Middle English numbles, offal. From the 17th century onward, recipes for umble pie appeared in cookbooks. Many people, usually the poorer sort, literally did eat umble pie. During the 17th century scholars began messing with the pronunciation of English words beginning with the letter h. Up until then, the h in French borrowings, like humble, was silent. Initial h was pronounced in words that had been borrowed directly from Latin or Greek. Some scholars promoted the idea that the h should be pronounced in humble and other French borrowings. Not everyone went along with the improvements. The expression to eat humble pie came into the language about 1850 with the sense of: submission, apology, or retraction especially made under pressure or in humiliating circumstances Its a pun. The speaker or speakers with whom the expression originated had to pronounce umble and humble the same way for the pun to work. Eating umble pie was something that an upperclass person would not willingly do, just as a person whod made an ass of himself would be unwilling to admit it and apologize for it. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Expressions category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:What is the Difference Between "These" and "Those"?45 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Oldâ⬠and ââ¬Å"Old-Fashionedâ⬠48 Writing Prompts for Middle School Kids
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Fibonacci numbers and the golden section Article
Fibonacci numbers and the golden section - Article Example Recall that an integer is prime if it has no proper divisors. Some Fibonacci numbers are prime, for example 514229, but it is still unknown whether there exist infinitely many prime Fibonacci numbers. The problem of finding prime numbers with many digits is crucial for the find a very large prime number, you are able to write a secret code that is reasonably safe (this principle is the basis of the Public Key Cryptography, nowadays used by banks and governments all over the world). Suggested readings. We suggest, as a first reading, the following website: It is well written, in elementary terms, contains a number of illustrations and it explains clearly some applications of Fibonacci numbers to natural sciences. It contains also several links to other websites on the same topic. We suggest to follow the link "Fibonacci numbers in nature": there, you will find applications to family trees of rabbits, cows, geometry, flowers, and vegetables! It is a short, fascinating walk in the real world seen through the mathematicians' eyes. As a further, more technical reading, one can read the material contained in the website: ... It is well written, in elementary terms, contains a number of illustrations and it explains clearly some applications of Fibonacci numbers to natural sciences. It contains also several links to other websites on the same topic. We suggest to follow the link "Fibonacci numbers in nature": there, you will find applications to family trees of rabbits, cows, geometry, flowers, and vegetables! It is a short, fascinating walk in the real world seen through the mathematicians' eyes. At the bottom of the page there are suggestions on the paths to follow to explore further the site. As a further, more technical reading, one can read the material contained in the website: Part of this site is probably too advanced for a non-specialist, but most of its content is certainly accessible. These readings can be the opportunity to learn a little, but very useful, piece of mathematics: the difference equations. A difference equation is a function whose value at n is defined linearly by the value at n-1 and n-2, as in the case of Fibonacci numbers. For such functions, there exist always a closed formula, that is, a formula giving the value at n only as a function of n, with no knowledge of the values at n-1 and n-2. The method is explained at the beginning of In the bibliography, we suggest some elementary books for a further reading. To conclude, I think that this suggested reading is accessible to everybody, it doesn't require any special knowledge in mathematics and it has sufficiently many practical applications in arts and science, to be a fascinating and intriguing subject. BIBLIOGRAPHY [1] Dunlap, R. The Golden Ratio and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Gender Study on Working and Stay-at-home Mothers Research Paper
Gender Study on Working and Stay-at-home Mothers - Research Paper Example In addition, it portrays the effects of gender in the society. Further, it denotes the perception of children towards the differences existing between their parents. Working mothers This refers to mothers who associate themselves with various income generating activities. They have lesser dependence on either their spouses or their parents. They involve both the married working mothers and single working mothers. They dedicate much of their time to work living only few hours to be with their families. Some ambiguous questions emerge from some individuals as to why, when, and what their intention is behind them (mothers) working (Lippa 2005). One of the main reasons behind mothers working for pay is to be independent. Another reason may be their (working mothersââ¬â¢) desire to live a live where they have total control of their finances. In addition, the work of mothers does not end up at work. More than half of the total number of working moms are those with families. Therefore, it is their (moms) obligation to hurry from work to home to provide for their families. Further, they have some customary duties to perform at their homes. For instance, they must get home earlier before their husbands so that they make several preparations concerning their meals. They also have to know the progress of their children. On the side of single working mothers, they find themselves having a full responsibility at home. They must strive to make ends meet, as they also have to avail the commodities the children require. Some children demand their mothers to provide for their necessities, which may be costly. Therefore, there is a need for single mothers to work harder to earn enough for their expenditure. They should ensure there is a surplus in their accounts. This means that they should make better calculations concerning their income and total expenses. Further, they need to make several adjustments on the total expenses. Through this, they will be able to manage their family requirements, as they eliminate the tertiary demands. In addition, single-working mothers have an extra task of time management. They search for ways of creating more time to deal with personal issues. Bearing in mind that they are the familiesââ¬â¢ sole breadwinner, they ensure they work towards the success of their business operations. They also make a good choice when it comes to friendship. They choose friends who are hard working and those who motivate other people not to despair in their work. The success of single mothers is a great joy to their families. They also bring to light less efforts for handling a family. This is a great encouragement to the single mothers not at work. Thereafter, they have an appraising hand from the entire society. Stay-at-home mothers A Housewife is another name referring to a stay-at-home mother. Most of their work is within the homestead. They do not get any remuneration for the tasks they undertake. Their main work is to ensure that they raise their kids and control their families. Stay-at-home mothers perform many tasks each day. They act as their childrenââ¬â¢s instructors, first aiders, doctors, and nannies. Some mothers are also the chefs of their homes and their childrenââ¬â¢s playmate. Further, they have a total control on the finances they use everyday . If they would require any pay, they may earn more than those working outside the homestead may earn. This is in respect to the different tasks they perform. They decide to be housewives because of their husbandsââ¬â¢ potential to provide for the families. Difference between working mothers and stay-at-home mothe
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The 2003 Firestorm in Southern California - Essay Example Some mitigation tactics existed before 2003 to avoid extreme wildfires. However, the measures were inadequate during the 2003 firestorm in California. The firefighters lacked the firefighting capacity and surveillance as well as communications capabilities to salvage people whose homes construction materials were highly flammable materials besides surrounded by flammable vegetation. To reduce the risk of wild fires, resource agencies developed expertise in fuel loading and fire behavior that allowed them to decide when lighting fires could be left to burn or deliberate prescribed fires to be set (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). The top priority of the fire agencies became protecting the vulnerable communities. The 2003 firestorm was a catalyst for passage of a national law that promised ââ¬Å"healthy forestsâ⬠. Post the 2003 firestorm, the department of forestry in California commands approximately 3,800 firefighters on a full-time basis, 1,400 being seasonal, 7,800 volunteers and 1027 fire engines (Newig, Voß, & Monstadt 2013). Moreover, it maintains a fleet of aircraft, which include almost twenty air tankers, thirteen air attack planes, and ten helicopters. This is an increment from the little equipment available prior to the 2003 firestorm.The urban/wild land interface refers to an area or environment inhabited by humans (man-made) joins the natural environment. Over the years, people are building their houses nearer to the forests and some are cutting down forests to live there.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Email and Letter Writing
Email and Letter Writing ââ¬Å"Dear Sir or Madam, in reference to your letter of February 1stâ⬠this was the way hand written letters used to start. I was sixteen years old and my dad was asking me to send a letter to the company where I would have my internship. My dad taught me how to write a letter in the correct format and how to position the outgoing address. He said: ââ¬Å"You should put the date in the top right-hand corner of the page. The signature should be also formal and the closing line should read ââ¬ËYours Faithfullyâ⬠. The Human Resources department at the company where I interned paid a fortune for the privilege of having an intern who could string a sentence together in legible, neat and hand written German. This company would go as far as canceling an internship or sending the intern to additional classes. There are many critics that say old fashioned mail is not fast enough and is more expensive. The old fashioned mail requires buying letters and paying for stamps. Email, on the other hand, is free. Most people forget about internet and computer costs. German companies dont have these problems, because every company in Germany has a contract with the post office. They pay a certain amount of money every month and can send as many letters as they wish. Email will be received at the location to which it is sent much faster than regular mail; however, both email and mail use addresses to which someone can send a letter or a message. Every other day I receive an email from my step mom in Germany. It keeps us in touch and in more constant communication than a letter could, because the I can receive her message almost immediately. In emails and letters a person writes thoughts down and sends it to another person. Both are used to communicate with another person; however, email in these days is a modern mode of communication. In fact, email makes the modern business world more efficient. I mostly receive only emails these days (and lots of them!). When I am on vacation for a couple days and come back to work, I am guaranteed to find more than a hundred emails. All these emails, excluding spam emails, need my response and attention. Subjects who were not on the agenda before can overnight take on the highest priority and the communication about it can go half way across the world. (Kleiner) These days, when I open my mail box, I am lucky to find anything other than bills and junk mail. Unfortunately these are the only regularly visitors inside my letter box. People do not consider old fashioned letter writing an effective form of communication. When a person takes the time to write a letter, they have mostly thought their comments through which makes it to my mind a more sincere mode of communication. If the same thought process and formal way of writing would be associated with traditional letter writing when one writes an email, it would not be as impersonal. People just lose the formal style writing an email. I received the following email from a co-worker the other day: ââ¬Å"If we already have door made the old way / we dont have any in stock, make old door, if you can. Replace it with the new one and may add a note. The note in the attachment to make it clear.â⬠This was the complete email and I was confused. This email, as are many others, is just not enough. It requires additional personal communication. Although most of the emails I receive are in a better writing style, almost none of them are formal. Emails suffice for most business purposes and mostly daily exchanges. They can also be very fast and practical. (Wilson) So, which is better: emails or old fashioned letter writing? I believe that that letter writing itself is an art form. A persons mood and personality can be sensed, just by examining how the tails of individual letters are swept or how hard the writer pressed upon the paper. In an email, this is not possible. It is obvious that old fashioned letter writing is very time consuming and therefore one can understand the need for faster communication in this busy world. Email is a more effective form of communication. Perhaps I am old fashioned; however, I do enjoy receiving hand written letters, even though the amount of old fashioned mail is almost zero, barring birthday letters and Christmas cards. A letter is handwritten; a person touched the paper and thought about another person. It is much more personal than an email could ever be and the old fashion letter has a value that cannot be replaced. (Wilson) Sources Kleiner, Kurt. Email and Letter Writing Share Fundamental Pattern. NewScientist. N.p., 26 Oct. 2005. Web. 15 Feb. 2010. . Wilson, Carole. The Difference Between an Ordinary Letter and an E-mail. Helium. N.p., 2002-2010. Web. 16 Feb. 2010. .
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Electrolytes :: science
Electrolytes Electrolytes are liquids that conduct electricity. Most need to be dissolved into water or another solvent. Batteryà ¡Ã ¦s have an electrolyte in them, either as a liquid or as a paste. Liquid electrolytes are used in electrolysis, electroplating, and other chemical processes. When electrolytes dissolve they release positive and negative ions. The released ions carry electric charges between electrodes, in the solution. Cations (a positively charged ion that migrates to the cathode, a negative electrode) carry positive electric charges toward the cathode. Anions carry negative electric charges toward the anode, positive electrode. Strong electrolytes release many ions and conduct electricity well. Weak electrolytes, like acetic acid, donà ¡Ã ¦t release many ions and conduct poorly. Non electrolytes, like sugar, release no ions and form non conducting solutions. A couple electrolytes conduct electricity as solids. These solid electrolytes have ions that can move and carry charges without solvents. There are two ways to be able to have ions that are able to conduct electricity, the dissociation of Ionic Compounds, and the Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. The Dissociation of Ionic Compounds is where particles are ionically (electrically) bonded together. They already made out of cations and anions, but in their solid state the ions are locked into position in their crystal structure, and canà ¡Ã ¦t move around. When the ionic compound is dissolved into water the water molecules, which are polar,(having a positive and a negative end) will be attracted to the positive ions. This attraction of different charges will create tension in the crystal and it will overcome the attice (the arrangement of molecules in a crystalline solid) energy keeping the crystal in place. Once this happens the cations will be surrounded by water molecules, and so will the anions. This is called the solution process. This makes a lower order of organization of the ions. The ions are now in a simpler form so they have higher mobility, and can carry electrical particles to conduct electricity. Salts that are completely dissolvable in water are usually strong electrolytes. The salts that are barely dissolvable are weak. The strength of an electrolyte is measured by its ability to conduct electricity. Thereà ¡Ã ¦s also the way of Ionization of Polar Covalent Molecular Substances. Polar molecular substances are substances whose atoms are co-valently bonded. Each molecule has a net molecular dipole moment (the product of the distance between two poles of a dipole and the magnitude or either pole) that is made because of the dipole moments of the bonds do not cancel each other out.
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